Canada Wide Biker Rally – End All Federal Mandates


Don’t worry, Cars can join too!!

It’s almost time for Freedom Ride 2022  –  May 14, 2022

Patriots Canada wide will be organizing bike rallies and motorcades in their province in opposition of all federal mandates and restrictions.

Bikers Canada wide will be riding around their city to raise awareness about the ongoing unlawful restrictions that are keeping Canadians hostage in their own country.

Why are we organizing this ride and motorcade?

– “Unvaccinated” Canadians cannot legally board a plane, train or chartered boat.

– Millions of Canadians cannot leave the country

– Employment vaccine mandates and discrimination still continue across the country 

– Covid19 restrictions may be re-implemented. (Masks, Business Closures, Lock-downs)

NOTE: For those that do not have motorcycles, you are welcomed to attend and follow the motorcycles. Required: If you are driving a car for this event, be sure to adorn your car with pro-freedom signs and flags. 

Locations: A list of upcoming locations Canada wide will soon be listed on this website. Make sure to keep checking for updates!

Should their be any cancellations due to the weather, the rides will be rescheduled for May 21, 2022. Cancellation and rescheduling information will be listed on

Organize A Ride: If you wish to organize a ride in your city, send us a message to join Freedom Ride 2022! – Contact Us

Resistance Symbol: Draw this symbol as a unifying image and a sign of resistance against tyranny and oppression.